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The advantages of Start-Stop technology, such as better fuel economy and the adherence to stricter emission standards, are steadily increasing its demand in the automotive segment. The concept is simple: When the car comes to a halt, the system cuts the engine in order to save fuel and reduce pollution.
Alongside Start-Stop, other energy consumers like assistance systems and comfort devices have long become standard, placing even more importance on the battery as a powerful and reliable source of energy. To address today's and future challenges, Energizer® offers a broad range of high-performance batteries.
Whether you need to power a premium car with advanced Start-Stop technology and regenerative breaking or just want reliable starting power for your beloved classic – Energizer batteries meet the highest requirements in every application so you can be sure to get exactly the right battery your car needs.

Start-Stop drives battery technology
The automotive battery market is constantly changing. Already today, around 33 % of all cars entering a workshop are equipped with some form of Start-Stop technology. With the overall number of installed systems expected to increase up to 54 % internationally by 2025, the demand for AGM and EFB batteries in the aftermarket is sure to follow suit.
Discover the Energizer® AGM and Energizer® EFB batteries.
Energize the system
Modern day vehicles feature an increasing number of electronic systems and components such as Start-Stop systems, recuperation (recovery of braking energy), infotainment devices and parking assistants.These electronic consumers require a high-power battery, making the right choice in technology more important than ever.
Energizer® batteries are specifically optimised for the most demanding technologies now and in the in the coming years. They offer unprecedented performance and safety you expect of a leading premium brand.
The Energizer® battery range has the right technology for every car's demands.

Consult your local workshop
Changing a modern car battery is not as easy as it used to be. Today, fitting an AGM alone can take up to 28 different steps. That is why the replacement should be done by professionals in a workshop. With more than 4.000 different vehicle models on the road, locating and determining the right battery is only the first step. Servicing the latest automobiles takes time, expertise and the right equipment.

Find the nearest dealer and the right Energizer® battery for your car.
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